Charles Walsworth was born 1798 at Leeds; on the 11th January 1812, as a 14 year old weaver, he was recruited by a party led by Lieutenant Beamish for unlimited service. Bounty £4/14/6d – Description 5’ brown hair, grey eyes, fair complexion
15th January 1813 having attained the age of 15 he was placed on ‘Mans Rate’ at £-/1/- per day
25th June 1813, he was posted to ‘Columns of Men’ and served in Major Tonson’sCompany
He travelled with the Battalion to Peninsula and served throughout the duration. Returning to Ireland in September 1814.
He received his Prize Money 31st May 1816 though the Agents Donaldson’s.
He was retained in the Depot Company on the Battalion being disbanded before joining the Dromedary together with his wife for escort duty. 31st March 1820 at 4.15pm Mary Walsworth, wife of Charles gave birth on the Dromedary to a daughter (Captain Skinner’s Log)
He remained with the 84th Foot in Ireland until his retirement 31st December 1828.
1st October 1869, he was admitted as an in-pensioner to the Chelsea Royal Military Hospital until the 1st July 1872; he was only out for a short while before he was re-admitted 1st December 1872
By the 1st October 1874 he was again an out-pensioner returning to Bradford, Yorkshire, where he died at 13 Ashley Street, Horton, Bradford on 14th March 1875 1
10th April 1875 – Leeds Times:- A VETERAN – There lately died in this town one of those ancient soldiers who went through many of the engagements in the Peninsular War under Wellington. The name of this man was Charles Walsworth, who after escaping shot, shell, bayonet and sword, departed quietly in his bed in the 84th year of his age. He fought under the reigns of four Monarchs – George III, George IV; William IV and even Victoria, and was amongst those who drove Joseph Bonaparte from the field of Vittoria, and finally out of Spain. He was also at the storming of St Sebastian and other engagements, and entered France, driving the beaten French towards Paris, and was at last, after passing the Pyrenees, wounded by both a ball and a shell at Bayonne. He however, escaped the carnage of Waterloo. Since his discharge with a pension from the Army, he was chiefly employed about the dye works of Messrs’. Armitage and Sons, Thornton Road, so long as he was able to work, and afterwards went for a time to Chelsea Hospital, but that he considered a land of exile, and returned home and died amongst his family. He was a good-hearted, quiet, and inoffensive man, and when in the humour could be excellent company