January 1st – a Guard under Sergeant Grey , Corporal Caroll and 13 men escorted deserters from Dublin to Chester

April 21st; £126 was paid for the alteration of 1008 suits of clothing (Uniform) at the cost of 2/6d (12½p)  per suit

New recruits in this period were being paid ‘Bounty’ of between £5/13/9 and £18/4/-

May 4th; Eleven men from Leicester Militia joined Battalion being paid Levy money of either £5/13/9 or £7/19/3

May 23rd – Headquarters (881 men) moved over the next four days from Dublin to Fermoy,

June – £64/8/6 was paid for Arms Articles (Brushes, pickers, turn-screws, worms, oil, emery and brick dust) for 50 Corporals and 882 men at 2/9d (13¾p) per man

August 4th – Seven men volunteered from the East Norfolk Milita at £5/13/9

October; a number of desertions took place from the 2nd Battalion

October 28th – 1 Sergeant, 1 Drummer and 93 men were transferred to the 1st Battalion serving in India; could explain the desertions

November 20th – 17 men transferred to 4th Garrison Battalion