Richard Smithers/Smethurst a weaver from Bolton, Lancashire enlisted age 17 years; height 5’3”
Originally a 1st Battalion recruit and destined for service in India, he received a Bounty of £6/15/-
25th May 1808 at Preston he was one of thirty-four recruits who were transferred to the 2nd Battalion, and from there they marched to Chorley to join the recently formed battalion
Served Walcheren Campaign in Captain Burn’s 3rd Company, where he contracted ‘Walcheren Fever’ he arrived back in England 24th October 1809 and went to the detached Depot at Bury St Edmonds, before being sent to Ipswich General Hospital
1st January 1810, he was back with the Battalion still in Captain Burn’s Company
23rd February 1812 he appeared for discharge and was described:- A well behaved good orderly soldier, his disease contracted on service at Walcheren, never confined since he enlisted.
26th February 1812 shown as Benjamin Smithers, discharged and recommended for pension
He then became a Kilmainham Pensioner
In October 1812, he claimed his Walcheren Prize Money 18/6¾d