Cooper, John

John Cooper a Gent was appointed without purchase as Ensign 89th Foot 16th April 1807

24th April 1808 he was promoted Lieutenant without purchase to the 2nd Battalion 84th Foot

He did not serve Walcheren or in the Peninsula

21st August 1815 a Courts Martial was held at Limerick over two days on Lieutenant John Cooper 2nd Battalion 84th Foot

  1. For conduct highly unbecoming an Officer, in contracting regimental debts, and leaving them still unpaid, although repeatedly applied to for payment thereof, viz.

To Mr. Jackman – £77/3/10

Paymaster’s Consolidated Depot, Hull – £15

Sergeant Armstrong, 84th Regt. – £20/12/6

  1. For scandalous and infamous conduct, unbecoming the character of a Gentleman and Officer, in passing a woman, living with him as his wife, and introducing her as such into society, particularly amongst the married ladies of the 84th Regiment, although he was not married to her, and acknowledged to his Commanding Officer that he has a wife, and that the woman so introduced to him was not her; such conduct being a gross and scandalous outrage on society in general, and on the 84th Regiment in particular.

He was found guilty of being in breach of the Articles of War and cashiered; the sentence was ratified by Horse Guards 28th November 1815

The Military Register 20th December 1815, made comment:- Lieut. Cooper’s charges, we do extremely regret to see the first entertained, since it is absolutely contrary in every respect to Military Law.

The 2nd is an entirely new case: we feel extremely for the ladies of this corps under such a circumstance, and the more so, (although it may appear paradoxical) if the unfortunate female possessed qualities – talents or aquirements, to recommend her to their notice: since while they were laudibly interested in herself their own characters were at stake, and feelings and sentiments at opposition to each other. This latter species of charge being rather new to our service, we would suggest for immediate consideration, whether a circular should not forthwith issue on the subject; or else it should be understood as left to that Court of Manners, which constantly sits in every well bred society; since otherwise we think it may be made a subject of discord, illaudably, where no grounds exist

See also Serjeant John Armstrong in Rank & File