1st November 1819 Coromandel sailed from Spithead for Sydney and Hobart with 300 male prisoners on board.
4th April 1820 from the diary of Governor Lachlan Macquarie
Tuesday – This forenoon anchored in Sydney Cove H.M. Storeship Coromandel, Commanded by Capt. James Downie, with 300 Male Convicts from England, from whence she sailed on the 31st. of Octr. last, touching at Rio de Janeiro, and the Derwent – where she landed 150 of her Convicts, agreeably to orders from Home, bringing on the remainder hither. — A Detachment under the command of Capt. A. Bernard of the 84th. Regt., consisting of one Lieut. & 30 Privates of the 46th. and 27 Noncomd. officers & Privates of the 84th. Regt., form the Guard on board the Coromandel
List of convicts:- http://www.jenwilletts.com/searchaction.php?page=1&ship=coromandel%201820&firstname=