Between the 4th and 11th January 1809 under the commands of Major’s Duabeny & Locke and Captain Urquahart  a total of 790 men marched from Hull to Colchester in three separate contingents. Where they were placed in Aclands Brigade with 2nd (Queens) and  2/76th Regiments

Hampshire Chronicle 23.01.1809– The heavy snow, to the Southward, last week, having rendered the roads impassable in Lincolnshire; the 2nd and 3rd divisions of the 84th Foot, which were to have crossed the Humber on Saturday and Monday, did not leave Hull till Tuesday and Wednesday last. On landing of the 3rd Division at Barton Water side, some of them seized a young man on the charge of being a deserter. He was consequently, kept in custody, but contrived to take poison, which, it appears, he had carried about him and died, in consequence in the evening

21st January 1809 the 84th Foot were given the Regionary title The York & Lancaster Regiment in addition to their numerical title.


I have the honour to acquaint you that his majesty has been pleased to order that the 84th Regiment of Foot under your command, shall in future assume and beat the name of ‘York and Lancaster’ in addition to its present numerical title.

13th March 1809 an Act of Parliament was passed George III 49 Cap. IV allowing transfer of Militia into the regular army.

The volunteers from the Militia had at least twelve months drill and discipline and, therefore soldiers of some little experience, yet much superior to the other recruits.

The Militia would be drawn up in line, and the officers for the regiments requiring volunteers would give a glowing description of their several corps, describing the victories they had gained, and the honours they had acquired, and conclude by offering bounty (Varied £16-40). If these inducements were not effectual in getting men, coercive measures were adopted: the militia colonel would put on heavy and long drills and field exercises, which were so tedious and oppressive that many men would embrace the alternative and volunteer for the regulars. (Morris 73rd page 13)

In the militia I serve secure of life and limb, but with no prospect of future benefit for old age (pension) to which I may attain. It is better to hazard both abroad in the regular service, than to have poverty and hard-labour accompanying me to a peaceful grave at home (Anton’s Retrospect of Military Life p.39)

The battalion enlisted men from 9th Garrison Battalion; Derby; North Lincoln; Northumberland; Meath; Kilkenny; Whitlow; Cork; West Norfolk; North Yorkshire; West Yorkshire; Warwick; Lancashire; East Suffolk; Somerset and Hereford Militia’s

Whilst recruiting parties were still active in Leeds, London, Manchester, Nottingham and Ireland